Friday, August 17, 2012

Who I am and why I'm here.

Me: A mother of a two and three year old, recently separated from her husband, starting over from ABSOLUTE scratch.  For the last 3 years I have been a stay-at-home mom.  I have no real marketable skills, no college degree, and no trade.  I don't have a consistent job history- as in, I don't have a resume reflecting that I've done the same sorts of jobs for long lengths of time.  I am just a mom, starting over.  I'm not conventional, I am covered in tattoos, and I'm social awkward.  BUT, I have drive.  I have perseverance.  I have faith.  I'm pretty hard working, intelligent, ambitious, and caring.  My biggest aspiration is to teach my children well.  I want to have a whole family that thrives from being a unit.  I want to have a full life and pursue what I want to pursue.  About 2 months ago I left Washington state with nothing but our inappropriate Seattle clothing, a computer, and a pair of roller derby skates.  It was the saddest and most terrifying thing I have ever done.  I didn't really have a leg to stand on, except the promise of support from friends and family (who came through golden!)  I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do.  I knew I wanted a stable and enriching home for my children, a life that I loved, and I knew that I wanted to keep moving forward, forever.  I wanted to keep progressing.  Keep getting better.  I wanted to thrive as a family unit.  How I was going to do this, I had no fucking idea.  Now I'm not saying that "I have arrived."  I have nothing but 2 kids beds, an air mattress, and a kitchen table in my new apartment.  But somehow, I started my journey.  I got a few jobs (still working out the kinks with timing and other factors.)  I got an apartment.  I began activities with my kids.  I began budding a new life.  If I could have seen myself now 4 months ago, my jaw would have dropped.  No, I'm not driving a Ferrari... I don't even have a couch to sit on.  But I'm getting there.  I'm figuring out how to get this all done, this starting a new life.  And I was hoping that someway, I could help someone else, figure out my mistakes, and chart my progress.  So here it is.

The purpose of this blog is to first and foremost, help someone else out.  Maybe you aren't broke, or scared, or recently separated, or even a mom.  But maybe, just maybe, you find a cheaper way to do your laundry.  Or maybe you hear of an organization that helps you on your way.  Or maybe you will sit on your ass at your computer and laugh at some stupid mistake I make (yes, I will include those, too.)  Whatever it is, I hope that someone gets something out of this.  I know I will.  Reading back over these blogs will hopefully figure out where I went wrong.  What I did right.  What I could improve.  And perhaps, other folks can help me out by commenting on stuff they are up on.  That would be rad, too.  Just keep in mind that I'm not an English major.  I'm just a girl, trying to be a great mom, as best I can.  Oh, and if you know me personally, please don't make any comments about my kids' dad, reveal his identity, or disclose any other such personal info.  He has a right to privacy, as do I.  Thanks and happy reading.